Friday, 16 December 2011

Interview with PurpleFunGirl10

 Hey, So today I did the interview with PurpleFunGirl10. She seems nice. She gave proper answers as I wanted. You would find this interview interesting!

Selenasweetstar: Hello, purplefungirl10


Selenasweetstar: Okay today I will interview you.

purplefungirl10: Awesome c:

Selenasweetstar: When did you start playing Stardoll

PurpleFunGirl10: Last May so about a year and a half ago. *Actually not last May, May of 2010

Selenasweetstar: How did you find Stardoll

PurpleFunGirl10: One of my friends showed it to me. I also saw it on a website called

Selenasweetstar: Did you ever give your password out? If you did for what and who did you?

PurpleFunGirl10: Yes, I gave my password to one of my very close friends (abashvans139) on Stardoll twice to give me a makeover. I trust her very much, and she never did anything or stole anything from me when she was on my account.
Have you won any thing yet?
No, not unless you would count manager competitions for clubs.

Selenasweetstar: I will count that
Have you ever ran for Covergirl. If you did why? If you didnt then why not?
I feel that Covergirl can be a bit overated. No I have never ran for Covergirl, but I did think about it a long time ago.

Selenasweetstar: Will you quit Stardoll sooner or later?
Will you keep the account or pass it on to one of your family member. Delete it?
Give it too your friend or Stardoll friend?

PurpleFunGirl10: I definetly will never just leave my account to be terminated by the Stardoll Staff. I have worked to hard to have that be done. But if I ever do get tired I may give it to a family member, maybe one of my younger cousins.

Selenasweetstar: Will that’s all thanks for your time! Hope to see you around.

 So hope you enjoyed her Stardoll life! Bye see you Monday.


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